Since becoming a business owner it's been rewarding to connect with inspiring mom business owners from afar and locally. We've had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know Alexia Dubois, owner of kids clothing shop Shop Amour. Based in the Atlanta area, Alexia started her beautiful online boutique to bring authentic European kids clothing brands to America. Her lovely curation of children's attire is as classic as it is stylish, not to mention the materials are comfortable and sustainable. We hope you enjoy learning more about our inspiring friend's journey below!
Q: Can you share a bit about what your family looks like as well as your work as an entrepreneur? How and when did your journey as a mother and business owner start?
A: I am a step-mom (11 year old), mom (4 and 3 year old) and dog mom (I feel I have to say it because three dogs keep me active) and business owner. I had a fulfilling corporate career and never thought of launching my business but after moving to the USA and struggling to find the clothes I liked for my kids I decided to start importing, promoting and selling my favorite French brands. My main challenge with American kids' clothes was style and quality. Style because I wanted timeless pieces, elegant yet simple. And quality as I avoid buying synthetic fabrics.

Q: Do you have any favorite childhood toys, games, activities or even spaces that stand out to you?
A: My absolute favorite game, I could spend hours and hours playing French Skipping (elastic jump rope). I would use chairs to hold the elastic ropes and just train and train. I also enjoyed playing piano and would play over and over the same tunes for weeks which would get my siblings so mad.

Q: What is hardest for you to juggle or balance right now? Have you found any hacks that are helping?
A: As a business owner, I feel guilty if I am not working, any time I take for myself feels like I am giving up my company. But then I miss my kids so much when I am working. The hack that I am currently implementing is putting my phone away (different room) when I am with the kids.

Q: Do you have any advice for an aspiring business owner who is stuck and doesn’t know where to start?
A: I think the most important thing is to start and not wait to be perfect, it is by doing that you will learn and figure out what is missing and what has to be improved. Then I would say take all the feedback and inputs you get, don't take anything personally and decide what works for you. Everyone will have an opinion and most of the people come from a good place, but let's not forget we are all different and what works for one, might not work for the other. And lastly, to be open (to failure); rejection is redirection.

Q: There is inspiration in so many places especially as a creative type! Who and / or what inspires you?
A: Being French and living in a different country is definitely an inspiration, I try to take the best of both worlds.

Q: One thing that has helped my state of mind is focusing on gratitude daily. What are you grateful for?
A: So grateful for my family, parents, siblings, kids...they are all healthy and happy, what else can I ask for?

Q: What are your favorite activities or places to enjoy with your little(s) or big(s) nowadays? (And / Or if your littles are big, do you look back fondly on any particular activities with them from when they were little?)
A: As it is summer, at the moment I love going in the pool with them and teaching them how to swim. Seeing your little ones learning and achieving is so beautiful. Even though it is not always easy, I always try to push them to do things on their own. I am not a helicopter mum, I let them fall, that is how they learn. I will not always be behind them so teaching them is very important to me.

Q: When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: I wanted to be an astronaut, I was quite convinced I would go on the planet Venus (because I liked the name). I remember learning about the planets, their sizes, how far they were from the sun etc., not really understanding how FAR they were obviously.
Learn more about Alexia Dubois and Shop Amour by visiting their website at https://www.shopamour-usa.com and their Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/shopamour_usa/. And take advantage of some savings this month shopping their site with code SPILKIDS for 25% savings on your order!